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  1. Aug 06, 2013
    • Siarhei Siamashka's avatar
      fbdev: add FBIOCOPYAREA ioctl · 6f75f225
      Siarhei Siamashka authored
      Based on the patch authored by Ali Gholami Rudi at

      Provide an ioctl for userspace applications, but only if this operation
      is hardware accelerated (otherwide it does not make any sense).
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSiarhei Siamashka <>
    • Harm Hanemaaijer's avatar
      Speed up console framebuffer imageblit function · 78652370
      Harm Hanemaaijer authored
      Especially on platforms with a slower CPU but a relatively high
      framebuffer fill bandwidth, like current ARM devices, the existing
      console monochrome imageblit function used to draw console text is
      suboptimal for common pixel depths such as 16bpp and 32bpp. The existing
      code is quite general and can deal with several pixel depths. By creating
      special case functions for 16bpp and 32bpp, by far the most common pixel
      formats used on modern systems, a significant speed-up is attained
      which can be readily felt on ARM-based devices like the Raspberry Pi
      and the Allwinner platform, but should help any platform using the
      fb layer.
      The special case functions allow constant folding, eliminating a number
      of instructions including divide operations, and allow the use of an
      unrolled loop, eliminating instructions with a variable shift size,
      reducing source memory access instructions, and eliminating excessive
      branching. These unrolled loops also allow much better code optimization
      by the C compiler. The code that selects which optimized variant is used
      is also simplified, eliminating integer divide instructions.
      The speed-up, measured by timing 'cat file.txt' in the console, varies
      between 40% and 70%, when testing on the Raspberry Pi and Allwinner
      ARM-based platforms, depending on font size and the pixel depth, with
      the greater benefit for 32bpp.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarHarm Hanemaaijer <>
    • popcornmix's avatar
      Avoid responding to unexpected I2C interrupts · c5f17ff6
      popcornmix authored
    • popcornmix's avatar
      Only init gpio pins of selected i2c bus · 4f577522
      popcornmix authored
  2. May 31, 2013
  3. May 29, 2013
  4. May 17, 2013
  5. May 12, 2013