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Commit 4e752f0a authored by Josh Durgin's avatar Josh Durgin Committed by Ilya Dryomov
Browse files

rbd: access snapshot context and mapping size safely

These fields may both change while the image is mapped if a snapshot
is created or deleted or the image is resized.  They are guarded by
rbd_dev->header_rwsem, so hold that while reading them, and store a
local copy to refer to outside of the critical section. The local copy
will stay consistent since the snapshot context is reference counted,
and the mapping size is just a u64. This prevents torn loads from
giving us inconsistent values.

Move reading header.snapc into the caller of rbd_img_request_create()
so that we only need to take the semaphore once. The read-only caller,
rbd_parent_request_create() can just pass NULL for snapc, since the
snapshot context is only relevant for writes.

Signed-off-by: default avatarJosh Durgin <>
parent 7dd440c9
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