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Commit f2f7ad5c authored by Paul Elder's avatar Paul Elder Committed by popcornmix
Browse files

media: i2c: ov5647: Selection compliance fixes

To comply with the intended usage of the V4L2 selection target when
used to retrieve a sensor image properties, adjust the rectangles
returned by the ov5647 driver.

The top/left crop coordinates of the TGT_CROP rectangle were set to
(0, 0) instead of (16, 16) which is the offset from the larger physical
pixel array rectangle. This was also a mismatch with the default values
crop rectangle value, so this is corrected. Found with v4l2-compliance.

While at it, add V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP_BOUNDS support: CROP_DEFAULT and
CROP_BOUNDS have the same size as the non-active pixels are not readable
using the selection API. Found with v4l2-compliance.

Signed-off-by: default avatarPaul Elder <>
parent 1fad87d8
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    mentioned in commit 647d3fa5


    mentioned in commit 647d3fa5

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    mentioned in commit 65d7587bdfdd1b8b914362f64ed6243d1fb0a8b0


    mentioned in commit 65d7587bdfdd1b8b914362f64ed6243d1fb0a8b0

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    mentioned in commit 71aee178aea0b30973199033980aa0763fce4d59


    mentioned in commit 71aee178aea0b30973199033980aa0763fce4d59

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    mentioned in commit 08f25c3ab3316132a55df36d89c37c5523afcc45


    mentioned in commit 08f25c3ab3316132a55df36d89c37c5523afcc45

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    mentioned in commit 61d86f8c4117025b2031cd20c094eee23a86c9fc


    mentioned in commit 61d86f8c4117025b2031cd20c094eee23a86c9fc

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    mentioned in commit 61b662f6


    mentioned in commit 61b662f6

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    mentioned in commit 49c8da9ada1b9641b8a6a8dde8e37e2a229c91e0


    mentioned in commit 49c8da9ada1b9641b8a6a8dde8e37e2a229c91e0

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    mentioned in commit 1ee0caa3723842bb7d8b13aa2c1933200b7f9817


    mentioned in commit 1ee0caa3723842bb7d8b13aa2c1933200b7f9817

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    mentioned in commit 7750508e88d4b62bab0f7297a7e917cd1a247f32


    mentioned in commit 7750508e88d4b62bab0f7297a7e917cd1a247f32

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    mentioned in commit 733b112c8964132fcab3e66e3f6a0ccda697e4c5


    mentioned in commit 733b112c8964132fcab3e66e3f6a0ccda697e4c5

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    mentioned in commit a3c100dd689f87e1d9de7748cf659e3b11345ee4


    mentioned in commit a3c100dd689f87e1d9de7748cf659e3b11345ee4

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    mentioned in commit 12afde78bbe3abc93561309ded104af636ba255a


    mentioned in commit 12afde78bbe3abc93561309ded104af636ba255a

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    mentioned in commit 828135af38505ca4721ec3f6abace0d869ae3181


    mentioned in commit 828135af38505ca4721ec3f6abace0d869ae3181

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    mentioned in commit b52d969047b106a3d545c451ee5e8e22e5839d37


    mentioned in commit b52d969047b106a3d545c451ee5e8e22e5839d37

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    mentioned in commit 2a43ef99b7b417d14b9a2f919cf7c93395d3223d


    mentioned in commit 2a43ef99b7b417d14b9a2f919cf7c93395d3223d

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  • mirror @mirror

    mentioned in commit 75f9ed883b69ad01ddc5b631dfb7cff924fa4cbe


    mentioned in commit 75f9ed883b69ad01ddc5b631dfb7cff924fa4cbe

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