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Commit ef3e5758 authored by Phil Elwell's avatar Phil Elwell Committed by popcornmix
Browse files

amba_pl011: Round input clock up

The UART clock is initialised to be as close to the requested
frequency as possible without exceeding it. Now that there is a
clock manager that returns the actual frequencies, an expected
48MHz clock is reported as 47999625. If the requested baudrate
== requested clock/16, there is no headroom and the slight
reduction in actual clock rate results in failure.

Detect cases where it looks like a "round" clock was chosen and
adjust the reported clock to match that "round" value. As the
code comment says:

 * If increasing a clock by less than 0.1% changes it
 * from ..999.. to ..000.., round up.

Signed-off-by: default avatarPhil Elwell <>
parent d0dd0fac
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