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Commit ee3e00e9 authored by Theodore Ts'o's avatar Theodore Ts'o
Browse files

random: use registers from interrupted code for CPU's w/o a cycle counter

For CPU's that don't have a cycle counter, or something equivalent
which can be used for random_get_entropy(), random_get_entropy() will
always return 0.  In that case, substitute with the saved interrupt
registers to add a bit more unpredictability.

Some folks have suggested hashing all of the registers
unconditionally, but this would increase the overhead of
add_interrupt_randomness() by at least an order of magnitude, and this
would very likely be unacceptable.

The changes in this commit have been benchmarked as mostly unaffecting
the overhead of add_interrupt_randomness() if the entropy counter is
present, and doubling the overhead if it is not present.

Signed-off-by: default avatarTheodore Ts'o <>
Cc: Jörn Engel <>
parent 0f734e6e
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