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Unverified Commit 9a48ab11 authored by Dave Stevenson's avatar Dave Stevenson Committed by Maxime Ripard
Browse files

drm/object: Add default color encoding and range value at reset

The drm_plane_create_color_properties() function asks for an initial
value for the color encoding and range, and will set the associated
plane state variable with that value if a state is present.

However, that function is usually called at a time where there's no
state yet. Since the drm_plane_state reset helper doesn't take care of
reading that value when it's called, it means that in most cases the
initial value will be 0 (so DRM_COLOR_YCBCR_BT601 and
DRM_COLOR_YCBCR_LIMITED_RANGE, respectively), or the drivers will have
to work around it.

Let's add some code in __drm_atomic_helper_plane_state_reset() to get
the initial encoding and range value if the property has been attached
in order to fix this.

Reviewed-by: default avatarHarry Wentland <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarDave Stevenson <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarMaxime Ripard <>
parent e4fff65f
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