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Commit 8d40b038 authored by Dom Cobley's avatar Dom Cobley Committed by Phil Elwell
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vc4/hdmi: Ignore hotplug interrupt with force_hotplug

The intention of the vc4.force_hotplug setting is to
ignore hotplug completely.

It can be used when a display toggles hotplug when
switching AV inputs, going into standby or changing a
KVM switch, and some side effect of that is unwanted.

It turns out while vc4.force_hotplug currently makes
hotplug always read as asserted, that isn't enough to
stop drm doing lots of stuff, including re-reading
the edid.

An example of what drm does with a hotplug deasert/assert
and vc4.force_hotplug=1 currently is:

That is unwanted. Lets ignore the hotplug interrupt
completely so drm is blissfully unaware of the hotplug change.

Signed-off-by: default avatarDom Cobley <>
parent 4968b02e
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