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Commit 89c0af71 authored by Dom Cobley's avatar Dom Cobley
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drm/vc4_hdmi: Force modeset when bpc changes


The issue is that kodi changes hdmi mode to 3840x2160@24 initially with "max bcp=8"
After decoding the first frame it changes property to "max bpc=12".

Now vc4_hdmi_encoder_compute_config chooses vc4_state->output_bpc = 12 with output_format=VC4_HDMI_OUTPUT_RGB
This requires scrambling as clock > 300MHz (and we have hdmi_enable_4kp60=1).

vc4_hdmi_encoder_atomic_mode_set (without this PR's assignment to mode_changed) is currenly not called so we don't assign:
vc4_hdmi->output_bpc = vc4_state->output_bpc

which means vc4_hdmi_enable_scrambling never enables scrambling (as vc4_hdmi->output_bpc is still 8).

But we do set the pixel clock in phy_init() to a clock frequency that requires scrambling.

Signed-off-by: default avatarDom Cobley <>
parent ec848ec0
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