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Commit 8536239e authored by George Joseph's avatar George Joseph Committed by Shawn Guo
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ARM: dts: Restructure imx6qdl-wandboard.dtsi for new rev C1 board.

The rev C1 Wandboard uses the Broadcom 4330 for WiFi and Bluetooth instead of
the 4329.  This changes the PADS assigned for the control lines.  Another
side effect of the change is that on the rev C1 board, usdhc driver can't
detect the chip presence correctly so usdhc2 now needs its 'non-removeable'
property removed.

So that rev B1 and earlier can continue to work, this patch splits the
board-specific definitions from imx6qdl-wandboard.dtsi into
imx6qdl-wandboard-revb1.dtsi and imx6qdl-wandboard-revc1.dtsi.  The new files
include the original base imx6qdl-wandboard.dtsi which retains the common

The existing imx6dl-wandboard.dts includes imx6qdl-wandboard-revc1.dtsi and
imx6dl-wandboard-revb1.dts (new) includes imx6qdl-wandboard-revb1.dtsi.
This makes the rev C1 board the new default.  The same pattern is used for

So, from U-Boot on a WB-Quad you use imxq-wandboard-revb1.dtb for the older B1
board and imxq-wandboard.dtb for the current rev C1 board.

Signed-off-by: default avatarGeorge Joseph <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarShawn Guo <>
parent 02578153
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