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Commit 1b6ba46b authored by Catalin Marinas's avatar Catalin Marinas
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ARM: LPAE: MMU setup for the 3-level page table format

This patch adds the MMU initialisation for the LPAE page table format.
The swapper_pg_dir size with LPAE is 5 rather than 4 pages. A new
proc-v7-3level.S file contains the TTB initialisation, context switch
and PTE setting code with the LPAE. The TTBRx split is based on the
PAGE_OFFSET with TTBR1 used for the kernel mappings. The 36-bit mappings
(supersections) and a few other memory types in mmu.c are conditionally

Signed-off-by: default avatarCatalin Marinas <>
parent da028779
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