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Commit 2768935a authored by Daniel Pieczko's avatar Daniel Pieczko Committed by Ben Hutchings
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sfc: reuse pages to avoid DMA mapping/unmapping costs

On POWER systems, DMA mapping/unmapping operations are very expensive.
These changes reduce these costs by trying to reuse DMA mapped pages.

After all the buffers associated with a page have been processed and
passed up, the page is placed into a ring (if there is room).  For
each page that is required for a refill operation, a page in the ring
is examined to determine if its page count has fallen to 1, ie. the
kernel has released its reference to these packets.  If this is the
case, the page can be immediately added back into the RX descriptor
ring, without having to re-map it for DMA.

If the kernel is still holding a reference to this page, it is removed
from the ring and unmapped for DMA.  Then a new page, which can
immediately be used by RX buffers in the descriptor ring, is allocated
and DMA mapped.

The time a page needs to spend in the recycle ring before the kernel
has released its page references is based on the number of buffers
that use this page.  As large pages can hold more RX buffers, the RX
recycle ring can be shorter.  This reduces memory usage on POWER
systems, while maintaining the performance gain achieved by recycling
pages, following the driver change to pack more than two RX buffers
into large pages.

When an IOMMU is not present, the recycle ring can be small to reduce
memory usage, since DMA mapping operations are inexpensive.

With a small recycle ring, attempting to refill the descriptor queue
with more buffers than the equivalent size of the recycle ring could
ultimately lead to memory leaks if page entries in the recycle ring
were overwritten.  To prevent this, the check to see if the recycle
ring is full is changed to check if the next entry to be written is

[bwh: Combine and rebase several commits so this is complete
 before the following buffer-packing changes.  Remove module
Signed-off-by: default avatarBen Hutchings <>
parent 85740cdf
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