# Request for Contributions We are always looking for contributions to the Open Build Service. In particular, this community seeks the following types of contributions: * code: contribute your expertise in an area by helping us expand the Open Build Service * ideas: participate in an issues thread or start your own to have your voice heard. * copy editing: fix typos, clarify language, and generally improve the quality of the content of the Open Build Service Read this guide on how to do that. 1. [How to contribute code](#how-to-contribute-code) 2. [The perfect pull request review](#the-perfect-pull-request-review) 3. [How to contribute bug reports](#how-to-contribute-bug-reports) 4. [How to contribute documentation](#how-to-contribute-documentation) 5. [How to conduct yourself when contributing](#how-to-conduct-yourself-when-contributing) 6. [How to setup an OBS development environment](#how-to-setup-an-obs-development-environment) # How to Contribute Code **Prerequisites**: familiarity with [GitHub Pull Requests](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests) If you want to contribute code, fork the repository and make a pull-request with your changes. A developer of the [open-build-service team](https://github.com/orgs/openSUSE/teams/open-build-service) will review your pull-request. And if the pull request gets a positive review the reviewer will merge it. But first, please bear in mind the following guidelines to create the perfect pull request: ## Discuss Large Changes in Advance If you see a glaring flaw within the Open Build Service, resist the urge to jump into the code and make sweeping changes right away. We know it can be tempting, but especially for large, structural changes(bug fixes or features) it's a wiser choice to first discuss them on the developer [mailing list](https://lists.opensuse.org/obs-devel). It may turn out that someone is already working on this or that someone already has tried to solve this and hit a roadblock, maybe there even is a good reason why that flaw exists. If nothing else, a discussion of the change will usually familiarize the reviewer with your proposed changes and streamline the review process when you finally create a pull request. A good rule of thumb for when you should discuss on the mailing list is to estimate how much time would be wasted if the pull request was rejected. If it's a couple of hours then you can probably dive head first and eat the loss in the worst case. Otherwise, making a quick check with the other developers could save you lots of time down the line. ## Small Commits & Pull Request Scope A commit should contain a single logical change, the scope should be as small as possible. And a pull request should only consist of the commits that you need for your change (bug fix or feature). If it's possible for you to split larger changes into smaller blocks please do so. Limiting the scope of commits/pull requests makes reviewing much easier. Because it will usually mean each commit can be evaluated independently and a smaller amount of commits per pull request usually also means a smaller amount of code to be reviewed. ## Proper Commit Messages We are keen on proper commit messages because they will help us to maintain this piece of code in the future. So for the benefit of all the people who will look at this commit now and in the future, follow this style: - The title of your commit should summarizes **what** has been done - If the title is to small to explain **what** you have done then elaborate on it in the body - The body of your commit should explain **why** you have changed this. This is the most important content of the message! - Make sure you also explain potential side-effects of this change, if there are any. Please also mind common sense rules for commit messages, we wrote some down in our wiki https://github.com/openSUSE/open-build-service/wiki/Commit-Style ## Proper Pull Request In order to make it as easy as possible for other developers to review your pull request we ask you to follow what we ask in the pull request template that comes up if you open a new one. ## Mind the Automated Reviews Please make sure to mind our continuous integration cycle that includes: - code style linting with tools like rubocop, jshint, haml-lint etc. - static code analysis with [codeclimate](https://codeclimate.com/github/openSUSE/open-build-service) - security code analysis with [hakiri](https://hakiri.io/github/openSUSE/open-build-service/) - automated test runs for the frontend and backend test suites with [circle-ci](https://circleci.com/gh/openSUSE/workflows/open-build-service) If one of the goes wrong for your pull request please address the issue. ## Tell Us If You Need Help The Open Build Service developer community is here for you. If you are stuck with some problem or decision, have no time to drive a pull-request over the finishing line or if you just want to ask a simple question just get in contact with us in the pull-request, over the developer [mailing list](https://lists.opensuse.org/obs-devel) or our IRC channel (irc://irc.freenode.net/openSUSE-buildservice). # How to review code submissions We make use of GitHub [pull request reviews](https://help.github.com/articles/about-pull-request-reviews). Every pull request has to be reviewed to ensure the code is effective, understandable, maintainable and secure. The changes must be tested locally or in the review app. Provide constructive feedback and be mindful of the tone you use when reviewing. ## How to Provide Constructive Feedback We took inspiration from [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/development/code_review.md). - Be respectful. - Accept that many decisions are opinions. Discuss tradeoffs, which you prefer, and reach a resolution quickly. - Propose solutions instead of only requesting changes. ("What do you think about naming this :user_id?"). - Ask for clarification ("I didn't understand. Can you clarify?") and consider one-on-one chats or video calls if there are too many "I didn't understand" or "Alternative solution:" comments. Post a follow-up comment summarizing the discussion. - Avoid selective ownership of code. ("mine", "not mine", "yours"). - Avoid using terms that could be seen as referring to personal traits. ("dumb", "stupid"). Assume everyone is attractive, intelligent, and well-meaning. - Be explicit. Remember people don't always understand your intentions online. - Be humble. ("I'm not sure - let's look it up."). Remember, reviews aren't about showing off. - Don't use hyperbole. ("always", "never", "endlessly", "nothing"). - Be careful about the use of sarcasm. Everything we do is public; what seems like good-natured ribbing to you and a long-time colleague might come off as mean and unwelcoming to a person new to the project. - Avoid asking for changes which are out of scope. Those should be addressed at another time (open an issue or send a PR). ## When to Merge Pull Requests In order to merge a pull request, it needs: - all of the required GitHub checks to pass (waiting for all of them to pass is recommended) - a review from at least 1 team member (2 reviews are recommended) - all requested changes to be addressed* \* Dismissing a review with requested changes is possible only if the reviewer is not reachable for a while and the requested changes are addressed and approved by another team member. # How to Contribute Bug Reports * Prerequisites: familiarity with [GitHub Issues](https://guides.github.com/features/issues/). * Enter your issue and a member of the [open-build-service team](https://github.com/orgs/openSUSE/teams/open-build-service) will label and prioritize it for you. We are using priority labels from **P1** to **P4** for our issues. So if you are a member of the [open-build-service team](https://github.com/orgs/openSUSE/teams/open-build-service) you are supposed to * P1: Urgent - Fix this next even if you still have other issues assigned to you. * P2: High - Fix this after you have fixed all your other issues. * P3: Medium - Fix this when you have time. * P4: Low - Fix this when you don't see any issues with the other priorities. # How to Contribute Documentation The Open Build Service documentation is hosted in a separated repository called [obs-docu](https://github.com/openSUSE/obs-docu). Please send pull-requests against this repository. # How to Conduct Yourself when Contributing The Open Build Service is part of the openSUSE project. We follow all the [openSUSE Guiding Principles!](http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Guiding_principles) If you think someone doesn't do that, please let any of the [openSUSE owners](https:/en.openSUSE.org/openSUSE:Board) know! # How to Setup an OBS Development Environment We are using [docker](https://www.docker.com/) to create our development environment. All the tools needed for this are available for Linux, MacOS and Windows. **Please note** that the OBS backend uses advanced filesystem features that require an case sensitive filesystem (default in Linux, configurable in **MacOS/Windows**), make sure you run all this from a filesystem that supports this. 1. Install [docker](https://www.docker.com) and [docker-compose (version >= 1.20.0)¹](https://docs.docker.com/compose/). There is documentation about this for [openSUSE](https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Docker) and various [other operating systems](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/). ¹ A version equal to or greater than _1.20.0_ is required for _docker-compose_ as we depend on the `--use-aliases` flag for the command `docker-compose run` in our development environment. 2. Install [rake](https://github.com/ruby/rake) 3. Clone this code repository: ``` git clone --depth 1 git@github.com:openSUSE/open-build-service.git ``` 4. Inside your clone update the backend submodule ``` git submodule init git submodule update ``` 5. Build your development environment with: ``` rake docker:build ``` 6. Start your development environment with: ``` docker-compose up ``` 7. Check out your OBS frontend: You can access the frontend at [localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000). Whatever you change in your cloned repository will have effect in the development environment. **Note**: The development environment is configured with a default user 'Admin' and password 'opensuse'. 8. Building packages: The easiest way to start building is to create an interconnect to our reference server. All resources from the openSUSE instance, including the base distributions, can be used that way. To set this up, follow these steps: * Login as Admin and go to 'Configuration' page. * Go to the 'Interconnect' tab and press 'Connect' on 'Standard OBS instance'. That creates an interconnect to build.opensuse.org. * Now in any other project you can choose from a wide range of distributions to build your packages on the 'Repositories' tab. 9. Changed something in the frontend? Test your changes! ``` docker-compose run --rm frontend bundle exec rspec docker-compose run --rm frontend bundle exec rake dev:lint ``` 10. Changed something in the backend? Test your changes! ``` docker-compose run --rm backend make -C src/backend test ``` 11. You can find more details about the development environment [in our wiki](https://github.com/openSUSE/open-build-service/wiki/Development-Environment-Tips-&-Tricks). # Happy Hacking! - :heart: Your Open Build Service Team