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# Table of Contents
1. [Request for contributions](#request-for-contributions)
2. [How to contribute code](#how-to-contribute-code)
3. [How to contribute issues](#how-to-contribute-issues)
4. [How to contribute documentation](#how-to-contribute-documentation)
5. [How to conduct yourself when contributing](#how-to-conduct-yourself-when-contributing)
6. [Communication](#communication)
8. [How to setup an OBS backend development environment](#how-to-setup-an-obs-backend-development-environment)
9. [How to setup an OBS frontend development environment](#how-to-setup-an-obs-frontend-development-environment)
# Request for contributions
We are always looking for contributions to the Open Build Service. Read this guide on how to do that.
Henne Vogelsang's avatar
Henne Vogelsang committed

In particular, this community seeks the following types of contributions:

Henne Vogelsang's avatar
Henne Vogelsang committed
* code: contribute your expertise in an area by helping us expand the Open Build Service
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Henne Vogelsang committed
* ideas: participate in an issues thread or start your own to have your voice heard.
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Henne Vogelsang committed
* copy editing: fix typos, clarify language, and generally improve the quality of the content of the Open Build Service
# How to contribute code
* Prerequisites: familiarity with [GitHub Pull Requests](
Henne Vogelsang's avatar
Henne Vogelsang committed
* Fork the repository and make a pull-request with your changes
  * Please make sure to mind what our test suite in [travis]( tells you
  * Please always increase our [code coverage]( by your pull request
* A developer of the [open-build-service team]( will review your pull-request
  * If the pull request gets a positive review the reviewer will merge it
# How to contribute issues
* Prerequisites: familiarity with [GitHub Issues](
* Enter your issue and a member of the [open-build-service team]( will label and prioritize it for you.

We are using priority labels from **P0** to **P4** for our issues. So if you are a memer of the [open-build-service team]( you are supposed to
* P0: Critical Situation - Drop what you are doing and fix this issue now!
* P1: Urgent - Fix this next even if you still have other issues assigned to you.
* P2: High   - Fix this after you have fixed all your other issues.
* P3: Medium - Fix this when you have time.
* P4: Low  - Fix this when you don't see any issues with the other priorities.

# How to contribute documentation
The Open Build Service documentation is hosted in a separated repository called [obs-docu]( Please send pull-requests against this repository. 
# How to conduct yourself when contributing
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Henne Vogelsang committed
The Open Build Service is part of the openSUSE project. We follow all the [openSUSE Guiding
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Henne Vogelsang committed
Principles!]( If you think
Henne Vogelsang's avatar
Henne Vogelsang committed
someone doesn't do that, please let any of the [openSUSE
owners]( know!
# How to setup an OBS backend development environment
Check [src/backend/README](src/backend/README) how to run the backend from the source code repository.
# How to setup an OBS frontend development environment

We are using [Vagrant]( to create our development environments.

1. Install [Vagrant]( and [VirtualBox]( Both tools support Linux, MacOS and Windows and in principal setting up your OBS development environment works similar.

2. Install [vagrant-exec]( Vagrant Plugins:

    vagrant plugin install vagrant-exec
    vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload

3. Clone this code repository:

    git clone --depth 1

4. Inside your clone update the backend submodule

   git submodule init
   git submodule update

5. Execute Vagrant:

    vagrant up

6. Start your development backend with:

    vagrant exec contrib/ 

7. Start your development OBS frontend:

    vagrant exec rails s

8. Check out your OBS frontend:
You can access the frontend at [localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000). Whatever you change in your cloned repository will have effect in the development environment.

9. Changed something? Test your changes!:

    vagrant exec rake test

10. Explore the development environment:

    vagrant ssh

**Note**: The vagrant instances are configured to use the test fixtures in development mode. That includes users. Default user password is 'buildservice'. The admin user is king with password 'sunflower'.

:heart: Your Open Build Service Team